Our Seniors' Future Plans Following Spring Commencement 2024
Spring Commencement Details
Spring Commencement is this weekend! First, traditional senior undergraduate students will have a Baccalaureate tonight, May 10, at 7 pm at Bethany First Church of the Nazarene, directly followed by a very special Ivy Ring ceremony held around the Lamp of Learning on the SNU campus. After the Ivy Ring Ceremony, the undergraduates and their families will head to SNU’s coffee shop for a Senior Celebration, where they will be in the community together one last time before graduation. The commencement ceremony will be held tomorrow, May 11, at 10 am in the SNU Sawyer Center. Following the undergraduate ceremony, the graduate studies students will have their commencement ceremony at 2 pm the same day. All seniors, families, and guests are invited to these events. No tickets are required for entry.
Parking is available at various locations across campus. Shuttle services are provided at designated stops in areas surrounding campus. It is recommended that early arrival is taken for those wanting to park in SNU’s limited handicapped parking spaces located on the northwest corner of the Sawyer Center. Doors will open one hour before the commencement ceremony. American sign language interpreters will be on stage for the commencement ceremony for those who are hearing impaired. If individuals need wheelchair assistance, they must provide their wheelchair, as SNU does not have wheelchairs for the general public needing wheelchair assistance.
For those not able to attend in person but would like to watch online, all of our Commencement Ceremonies will be broadcast live. For more information about commencement weekend, visit http://jipx.rdsy.net/undergraduate-academic-programs/commencement/ for a full detailed schedule of events.
We are so proud of our students and all the hard work that led them to this momentous day! Here is an inside look at where some of our graduates will be heading following their graduation this weekend.
Lily Rhodes-Nursing
SNU fosters growth for each unique student and their passions. As graduation draws near, seniors are beginning to see their plans come to fruition with the help of the support they received during their time at SNU.
Meet Lily Rhodes, a graduating senior and Nursing major from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Following graduation, Lily will take the NCLEX, the nursing national licensing exam, to become a Registered Nurse. She has also already accepted a job in the Oklahoma City area, where she will be working as an RN. Lily is also looking forward to getting married this September. She says, “SNU has provided me with a high-quality education as well as spiritual guidance that will no doubt aid me in my chosen field of Nursing. I’m grateful for my time here and the work God will continue to do through this university!”
Alongside her studies, Lily has been very involved on campus. She first began serving as a student worker in the Christian Formation Office, which she believes helped her get plugged in. Then, in her sophomore year, she began working in the Admissions Office, becoming a Presidential Leadership Scholar. She has served in these areas since. Lily was also a Resident Advisor in the Hills dormitory during her sophomore and junior years. Currently, she serves as the student representative for the Nursing Curriculum Committee and was a recent nominee for Homecoming Court.
Lily made many memories at SNU but her favorite times were when she stayed up late playing Super Mario Bros on the Wii with her best friends in the dorms. Lily says that she will “miss the community of students, faculty, and staff that has been overwhelmingly supportive throughout [her] 4 years here.” She believes SNU has taught more than just standard curriculum, but has been a “backbone of [her] growth and development as a young adult.”
SNU is proud to congratulate Lily on a job well done and looks forward to her thriving in her career as a nurse.
Julia Klein-Pre-Physical Therapy
Meet Julia Klein, a graduating senior and Pre-Physical Therapy major from Ritzville, Washington. After graduation, Julia will attend Life University in Marietta, Georgia, where she will complete a 3-and-a-half-year Doctor of Chiropractic Program. Her goal is to become a chiropractor and move back to the Pacific Northwest near her family. She says that she will, “miss the [SNU] community as well as chapel, starting class with scripture, and mentorship for constant spiritual renewal.” Julia said that she would also miss her mentor, whom she would meet with each week over coffee to discuss school, life, and her spiritual journey.
Alongside her studies, Julia was very involved on campus. She has participated in the National Honor Society, the Allied Health Board, Presidential Leadership Scholars, and several intramural sports. She also served as a Resident Advisor throughout her educational career.
Julia’s favorite memory was when she was close friends with a group of senior girls during her freshman year. She said that they had many movie nights, lots of laughter, and even dyed each other’s hair! Julia was also intentional about attending most SNU events and cheering on her peers in sporting events like basketball, volleyball, and football, which she says many of her favorite memories come from.
SNU is so excited to see Julia succeed in her chosen profession as a chiropractor, and she can’t wait to see all that she does in her career!
Arty Elias-Youth Ministry
Meet Arty Elias, a graduating senior and Youth Ministry major from Cimarron, Kansas. After graduation, Arty will be living in the OKC area and working as a personal trainer and as the youth pastor of Norman Community Church of the Nazarene. Arty’s favorite memory from his time at SNU was playing Broomball each year with all of his friends. He says that he will also miss the coffee shop as it was a place where he could “go late at night, see a lot of people be silly, and make friends!”
Alongside his studies, Arty was very involved on campus. Arty served on SALT where he was the sophomore class president in 2021-2022, and is currently on the Community Relations team. He also served in SSS as a peer mentor for two years. Arty’s most proud accomplishment is his faithful participation in SIMS, where he has been on mission trips to Alaska, Eswatini, South Africa, and Ecuador and is currently preparing for Manchester!
Arty said that several people helped steer him toward his calling. He credited Dr. Jason Coles with making a significant impact on his personal training career where he informed him about the National Academy of Sports Medicine and certifications offered within the organization. He went on to say that Dr. Coles’ classes were “very informative and very useful” to his career as a personal trainer. Alongside Dr. Coles, Arty’s Religion professors were also very formative in teaching him context within the Bible, deep thoughts about faith, the barriers and challenges of outreach, and the importance of personal time in the Word. He went on to say that mentors like Blair Spindle and Cooper Milford were great contributors to his health.
SNU is thrilled to see Arty excel in both his personal training and youth ministry careers!